A tale of two nuts!! as many of you know I try to make parts that aren’t readily available for old Chevy trucks. And I try to do them at a reasonable cost case in point. The new Cameo tail lights were previously on the market for 1395.00 a pair and I introduced them for $1095.00 a pair. But let’s talk about these nuts. I sell these nuts for $14.95 on eBay. They are threaded cage nuts that serve a purpose not meant to be fancy. They cost me $6.25 for shipping and packing then eBay takes $1.50 of course then there’s the cost of the nuts themselves three dollars each. That leaves me a profit of $1.20. When I look at my two nuts, I just don’t think they’re worth more than $14.95 but yesterday somebody complained on eBay that they’re not machined enough. He said they work but they’re just not finished as nice as he’d like them to be finished. So I’m stuck with a dilemma. Do I just quit selling them all together or raise the price lol.